Movies Anywhere Deals


Adeel Fahimullah, Sr. Product Designer | Lena Saghian, Sr. Product Manager | Jason Simon, Data Analytics Engineer | Jing Chung, Backend Engineering Lead

Deals Banner.jpg

Deals is a feature that allows Movies Anywhere users to find their favorite movies at discounted prices. This is achieved by providing the ability to connect digital retailers in one space. Anytime a movie is on sale, the service gives the user an opportunity to view the deals that are available across various movie retailers. This has taken movie purchasing to a new level.


My Role

As lead designer, my responsibility was to work directly with team leads to develop feature scope, requirements and create an end-to-end design that includes research, UX, and visual design.



The most purchased movie titles on Movies Anywhere are driven by new releases and promotions.

Movies Anywhere users have found value in connecting multiple retailers to bring their movies together. Deals will give them another reason to connect with more retailers

The Challange

Movies Anywhere allows users to connect with digital retailers to access all their digital movies in one place. One of the reasons the retailers agreed to work with Movies Anywhere was because the movies would flow both on the Movies Anywhere platform as well as any connected retailer. Many users would connect their digital retailers and watch their movies on another service essentially making Movies Anywhere a "set it and forget it" service. This was leading to low user engagement.

Considerations & Constraints



Stakeholders (Studios) were hesitant to show movie prices, which could tarnish relationships with retailers.




Retailers don’t provide pricing data to Movies Anyhwere.




Apple’s iOS platform prohibits exposure of other retailers besides iTunes

On the Movies Anywhere app you will be presented with iTunes as a purchase option.




A user only sees the price on the retailer’s purchase screen

With the addition of Deals, we would be exposing prices - this could potentially show preferential treatment of one retailer over the other. This could make certain retailers reluctant.


The Approach

Having to work around the challenge of not showing preferential treatment to any digital retailer we decided that users were only shown how much a movie cost if that digital retailer had it at a discounted price. In other words, the user will only see how much a movie costs if the retailer was having a sale.

Sales Badge

Placed below the box art to let the user know that the movie was on sale and exposing the lowest starting price.







Movie Details Page

Movie Details Page

On Sale Purchase Flow

  • Pricing is exposed for retailers that have movies on sale.

  • Ordered to prioritize the best deal


Usability Testing

We ran a series of usability tests to validate our flows. Users found the flow to be very straightforward but were a little frustrated that they couldn’t see movie prices for every retailer.


"I'm going to automatically assume that those prices aren't on sale on those outlets, but I would have liked to seen the price there."

Given our constraints, we decided to hide retailers that weren't on sale under an additional retailers section. While this did not fully solve the problem, showing discounted prices was an overall benefit to the user.


Android Designs

Retailers that did not have a discounted movie price were hidden under the Additional Retailer' section

Select Retailer - On Sale Prices
Select Retailer Drawer Expanded

Web Designs



Working within constraints

At launch, we knew that we were not giving our users the optimum experience however deals and discounted prices still added value. To this day, the deals tab is still our most trafficked and used feature.


Testing our flows

Even though we knew our flows were not optimum, usability testing gave us feedback helped us make minor improvements. Furthermore, testing gave us leverage to improve future versions of the deals experience.


Movies Anywhere Screen Pass


Movies Anywhere Movie Details Pages